

November 28, 2013

Japan Survival Guide Introduction [JSG]

Welcome to my Japan Survival Guide

I guess I should mention a little bit about myself before I get to it.

I'm currently a final year student at university in England. I've just returned back from studying and living in Japan for a year. It was a eye-opening experience, being immersed into a new culture and developing my language.

Throughout the year I was able to travel around many cities. For the last two weeks I was there, 4 of my friends came over to do a '2 week intense travelling of Japan'. I got to play tour guide and wrote up lots of notes and information into an itinerary for them.

I then realised, that for someone who doesn't speak Japanese (or very little) some parts of travelling around Japan can be daunting. Thus, I've decided to write up little snippets of advice I gathered from my year in Japan. I'll include itineraries, lists, maps and general information on the area (restaurants, bars, clubs, famous points of interest and secret must-not-miss places!) so you can travel Japan and experience a stress free trip!

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